Wednesday, June 9, 2010

all about me

Stuffs about me are i love to play soccer i love to draw ,well only when im bored but it is still somthing that i like. I love to read poem only if they ryme. i love dogs well actually the puppies. the things that i dont like are cats, or tests, well tests are not that bad because somtimes i do study and get a good grade. I dont like cats since i was like 7 years old because one time well before when i liked cats i used to play eith themuntil one time this cat just scrached me like really bad which as somthing that i didnt like. Now since that time i had nightmares about cats scraching me which didnt look prety and of felt pretty.


Best Friend, what does the word BestFriend means to me. Well i think that the word Friend for me is someone that thinks like you that knows you like if you were realatinve to them someone that is there for you all the time that will always be there for you. Some one that knows you likeno one else exept your parent but that they also dont blame. a friend wouldnt let you down.

Your friend is someone that maks you happy that makes you feel special all time that wont let you be used.

A Friend

if you are sad call me

i cant promise to be sad with you but i'll make you laugh

if your cyrying

call me i will try to make you happy and if i cant themn i will cry for you

if you want to cummite suicide

call me i promise to stop you

if you want to run away then

just call me i try to stop you

and if i cant i will go with you

if your mad call me

but if i dont answer then

mabe i need you this time.....

That was a poem that a friend send it to me last week as a message and hear is another one.

A friend

you are my loop to my hoop

yu are my pop to my tart

you are my the rain to my bow

but most importantly my best to my friend

you are my best friend

That was also a poem that a friend send to me as a message the same time but i thought it was cool it had more other things in the poem buti forgot iit but the poenm is cool because it is for a true friend.

Essay (final)

What do i think about this class? Well, this course had help me out in a couple of things like and another thing is it has also helped me in getting better i n research. This course of computer has helped me become a better research and write because in computer class we do typing and also reasarch. This class helped me in typing because i coud'nt typ fast now i can i an actually type faster well i still am taking the course of typing, We in this class go to a website where we learn how to typ faster and it tells you your time and it tells you how many rights you had and wrong and the percentage. The website is all about typing it is fun well only if you like typing once you do at the begining well you'll think that its ok but if you improve every time you go on this webster then you start liking it well i did. i got really into it that when i used go home i used to go online to the websit. if you one of those pereso that likes computer or lets say typing or wanna learn to type then log in to once you go to it you will love it, well i hope so but yea its really fun.

Now anoter thing that this course has helped me in is researching. In computer class we have a new topic to search about. Which make us have to search and learn to. Well atleast i did learn to research better igt doesnt taks me that long to search somthing. Plus i think its fun searching in the computer, well thats because i like typing. Ever week we change our topic of what we do is search about the new topic like


-in black history month(martin luther king)


-TV products it wrks or it doesnt

or like that and then we have to find information about it to we get the main thing that we want to know and need to know about the topic. we have to research for pictures and history things and those kind of things ,which i think that its fun. i really do but most of all because we type alot in the class .


Soccer was born on 19th century in England. Soccer was a very known sport in England in the 1960s soccer was modeled. Soccer increace media coverage and tv broadcasts made the more popular. The FIFA congress in Amsterdam on 28 May 1923 decided th stage a world champion game by FIFA. Now the organism country had been chosen. Hungary, Italy, the Neverland, Spain, and Sweden sumitted there candidatures. right from the start Uruguay was the favorite and not simply from from its olympics gold metal wins in 1924 and 1928. the county was celebrating there 100th anniversary independence in 1930 a great expence.the first FIFA was opened in 18 july, 1930. the have the world cup every 4 years now. Now as in known the number one known soccer player was Pele, he was one of the known as the best soccer players. his name is regularly mentioned today, more than a quarter century after his retirement because Pele was one of the soccer players that achive the massive. Apart from his popularity, Pele life story is the ulimited soccer dream. He began as a poor boy from the slum in Tres Coracoes. Pele father Dondinho was former in soccer, and made sure to pass his knowlege to younge Pele. This paid off in 1957 when Pele was 15 he was signed by the Santos and soon Pele csme very popular at soccer and got the best of the best in soccer.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


A.B Quintanilla was bore December 13, 1978. A.B was withdrawn from music and for the next for 4 years. Even though Selena died her brother A.B still loved music so he stared a group named ‘’A.B y los kumbia kings’’ as (A.B and the kumbia kings). But later on his group had all separated some of the members said they were getting paid enough so they quit and got out of the band on . So than A.B. had brought new member in the band which Selena’s husband was one of them (Chris Perez), peewee Gonzales a young famous singer, Abel Talamantez, Cruz Martinez. Soon in 2006 the kumbia kings became even more popular than ever. Later on A.B was accusing Cruz Martinez of stilling money from from the band. A.B is known as the mexican rapper, well people call him that when sombody is like who is A.B Quintanilla they say it the mexican rapper from the kumpia kings.

The member in the band kumpia kings

-A.B quintanilla

- Cruz martines
- DJ kane

-Frankie J
-Baby Drew
-Alex Ramirez

-Roy ramirez

-Frankie Aranda

-Jorge pena

- Jesse martinez

-Roberto del moral

Selena Quintanilla

Yolanda Saldaivar Selena Quintanilla also known as the queen of tejano music was a famous person she was a Spanish singer. She was born in Mexico on April 16 1971. Her band was her family her drummer was her sister Suzette, her brother A.B played the bass, and her boyfriend played the electric guitar. She started to sing at the age of nine. Her brother A.B was the one that made most of her songs. Selena fan and manager of a boutique, Yolanda Saldaivar, was born on September 19, 1960 she the one that had killed Selena on March 31, 1995at the age of 23 and 2 days for her 3rd wedding anniversary and 17day away from her birthday. Yolanda saldavier had killed Selena because Selena’s father had found out that Yolanda was embezzling money for the fan club. Soon Selena notice that money was missing out of her account and had all ready agree to eat with Yolanda. Later on that day Yolanda had told Selena that she got raped the night before. So Selena had taken Yolanda to the doctor and the doctor had found no evidence of rape. After once Selena had went back to the motel she soon realized that she didn’t trust Yolanda any more, but Later on that day Yolanda had brought a gun to Selena’s room and had shot Selena on the back..
Selena died a hour later in the hospital. Before Selena died in the hospital she had told that yolanda was the one that shot her.Yolanda Saldavier was found guilty and was convicted 30 years in prison. Her death cause alot of sadness in latin peoples life. (Her fans will always remember her).

One of her songs (one of her songs that i heard)

I Could Fall In Love

I could lose my heart tonight
If you don't turn and walk away
'Cause the way I feel I might
Lose control and let you stay
'Cause I could take you in my arms
And never let go

I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you

I could only wonder how
Touching you would make me feel
But if I take that chance right now

Tomorrow will you want me still?So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know

I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you

And I know it's not right
And I guess I should try to do what I should do
But I could fall in love
Fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you

Siempre estoy soñada en ti
Besandos mis labios, acariciando mi piel
Abrazadome con ansias locas
Imaginando que me Amos
Cómo yo podia amar a ti

So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know

I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love
I could fall in love
With you... more about her)