Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Soccer was born on 19th century in England. Soccer was a very known sport in England in the 1960s soccer was modeled. Soccer increace media coverage and tv broadcasts made the more popular. The FIFA congress in Amsterdam on 28 May 1923 decided th stage a world champion game by FIFA. Now the organism country had been chosen. Hungary, Italy, the Neverland, Spain, and Sweden sumitted there candidatures. right from the start Uruguay was the favorite and not simply from from its olympics gold metal wins in 1924 and 1928. the county was celebrating there 100th anniversary independence in 1930 a great expence.the first FIFA was opened in 18 july, 1930. the have the world cup every 4 years now. Now as in known the number one known soccer player was Pele, he was one of the known as the best soccer players. his name is regularly mentioned today, more than a quarter century after his retirement because Pele was one of the soccer players that achive the massive. Apart from his popularity, Pele life story is the ulimited soccer dream. He began as a poor boy from the slum in Tres Coracoes. Pele father Dondinho was former in soccer, and made sure to pass his knowlege to younge Pele. This paid off in 1957 when Pele was 15 he was signed by the Santos and soon Pele csme very popular at soccer and got the best of the best in soccer.

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