Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Essay (final)

What do i think about this class? Well, this course had help me out in a couple of things like and another thing is it has also helped me in getting better i n research. This course of computer has helped me become a better research and write because in computer class we do typing and also reasarch. This class helped me in typing because i coud'nt typ fast now i can i an actually type faster well i still am taking the course of typing, We in this class go to a website where we learn how to typ faster and it tells you your time and it tells you how many rights you had and wrong and the percentage. The website is all about typing it is fun well only if you like typing once you do at the begining well you'll think that its ok but if you improve every time you go on this webster then you start liking it well i did. i got really into it that when i used go home i used to go online to the websit. if you one of those pereso that likes computer or lets say typing or wanna learn to type then log in to once you go to it you will love it, well i hope so but yea its really fun.

Now anoter thing that this course has helped me in is researching. In computer class we have a new topic to search about. Which make us have to search and learn to. Well atleast i did learn to research better igt doesnt taks me that long to search somthing. Plus i think its fun searching in the computer, well thats because i like typing. Ever week we change our topic of what we do is search about the new topic like


-in black history month(martin luther king)


-TV products it wrks or it doesnt

or like that and then we have to find information about it to we get the main thing that we want to know and need to know about the topic. we have to research for pictures and history things and those kind of things ,which i think that its fun. i really do but most of all because we type alot in the class .

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